Kindly email us along with your order number and we will take care of the rest. Don’t worry your needs are are first concern.
We usually give ample notice to the customer if that’s the case. Either you can wait until we source the stock or we can refund the money to you and inform you once it is back in stock.

We generally discourage returns because we want to give the freshest possible material to every customer. All goods once sold will not be exchanged or taken back. Only in case if a wrong/damaged product is sent by us, we will exchange it.

Please review our Returns Policy, which applies to products sold by us.

We adhere to the best possible packing methods. But in case your package is obviously tampered with or there has been severe transit damage reach out to us immediately and we will address the same.
Yes. Registration is compulsory. We do this to ensure each and every customer is authentic. You will be auto registered the first time around. Your email ID will be your username and you can always reset your password when required.
  • Log-in using your email and registered password.
  • Click on the My Account link displayed on the top right corner of the page.
  • Click on Your Orders > Order Number > Re-try Payment Button
  • This will lead you to the checkout page where you can then complete the transaction by selecting Card / Net Banking payment.

You can login to your account on our website go to My orders >> Order Number >> browse down to see the order notes our staff add once the product is shipped. We keep you updated every step of the way. So stay updated this way or email us!

Click here to Track Your Order.